Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Check out Lauren's new Textile line here! Lauren Liess is a designer in the DC area and heads up the famous Pure Style Home blog... one of my favorites! Go check it out :)


Happy Wednesday!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

{a tea kettle and a Weber grill...}

Most of you have heard by now of the horrible storms that passed through Mississippi, Tennessee and most of Alabama. Even though I have so many posts to catch up on from previous design work and photo sessions, I wanted to share a little bit of what we've been going through... My heart goes out to Sweet Home Alabama. Please be in prayer for the victims of the storms and the countless workers trying to locate everyone and clean up the state.

I listened to the radio the whole way back from Birmingham to Huntsville on the historic morning so that I would be aware if I needed to pull over and take cover. See some of the shots I captured with my smart phone along the journey home.
 This photo is while crossing over the Tennessee River... minutes before the radio man said, "Decatur area, you have 6 minutes until the tornado reaches you, take cover NOW."

Simply. Ominous. I was close to the exit that would bring me out of the direct path of the storm, according to the local radio station. Notice: no one else is really out on the roads with me...

 Almost home... the storms are rolling in.

Trees were down from the previous storms..

I love this image of the storms rolling in behind this precious country church. I am reminded of James 1:2-4. Talk about testing your faith.... driving in the storm. But this picture shows the whitest most perfect steeple even in the midst of the storm and uprooted trees.... "Count it all joy, my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness..." James 1:2-3
By God's grace and mercy, I arrived safely home. But to my dismay, my sweet husband was still on his way home from work. Finally, he made it home... We still had power for a few minutes, and I watched the storm roll through on TV. Sometime around 5pm our power went out and we scrambled to find an old radio that had working batteries... After waiting out the storm, we praised God in thankfulness for our lives, our home and our safety.

It was a torrential down pour and the sound of hail beating down on our skylights did not exactly comfort me. However, I did remember something my grandfather (whom I call D'daddy) always quoted a verse from Matthew 10:29-31, "His eye is on the sparrow," as I looked out the window, even as the tornado sirens blared and saw a couple of cardinals resting on the gutter out my window. They, too, had shelter in the storm.

a tea kettle and a Weber grill

With no electricity and grateful for our lives, we said grace over a yummy plate of chicken salad (thanks to a stocked pantry of canned chicken). It was a dark night, but we slept soundly in our home, unharmed by the storm.  The next day, my sweet mother reminded us of the "cowboy way" to make coffee.... after we had suffered through the morning without any coffee, or caffeine for that matter. So our remedy was what I like to call, the "cowgirl way"... on the side burner of our Weber grill with our faithful tea kettle. Thank goodness for my husband keeping us stocked with 2 tanks of propane!
Making decaf coffee by candlelight.
I absolutely love how creative we can be when we use all the resources we have! My husband found his LED headlamp and we made decaf coffee by candlelight the night after the storms. We even played UNO by candlelight after dinner with our decaf coffee. What a sweet memory! He won both games, of course.

So with our faithful tea kettle and a Weber grill, we survived 24 hours without power....
Please continue to pray for Alabama!!! Stay updated with the Tennessee Valley here.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

{Precious Parman Photos}

Hello world!!! I'm soooo excited to share photos from the latest photography session... This precious little one was born just a few weeks ago. We were able to do the session on one of the most glorious sunny days! The lighting was a bit challenging at first (thanks to Daylight Savings throwing me off a little), but we persevered! I hope you enjoy! More to come soon... check back soon!

These parents are wonderful and they let me do so many great shots... it just took a little over an hour!

John-boy got a little tired at the end but his sweet parents knew just how to calm him down... Once we decided he had had enough and when I thought I had plenty of great shots, they strapped him in his car seat. Wouldn't you know, he was immediately quiet... after hollering for quite a while. Amazing what a car seat can do....

Oh what a big yawn! The little man was tired before we even got started, but he was a trouper throughout the whole session. He is even more precious in real life... but these pictures do a pretty good job of showing him off :-)

The photographs were taken over in the Hampton Cove subdivision area... one of the most photographed places in Huntsville, so I've been told...

If you or someone you know would like to book a photography session, just shoot me an email

xoxo Sarah

Friday, March 11, 2011

{Applique Onesies}

I'm back!!! So I've been really busy working on design projects at work....I should have {before & afters} up here soon. I just had to take a break and get a little crafty. Check out these cute little Applique Onesies I made for my "expecting" friend:

I did these in no-time. Each one is made with love and leftover discontinued fabric samples {I love working for a furniture dealer Bragg's where I have access to such beautiful fabrics!} My husband calls me a fabric junkie because I have overflowing bins of fabrics.... waiting to be used on the next project.

How did I do this? I used a little bit of heat bond lite, an iron, a needle and thread. All found at our new JoAnn Fabrics. The onesies can be found at any baby store or Target store, etc.

{image from JoAnn Fabrics}
Simply draw a sketch of what you want to applique. My friend is having a boy, so I did a cute car, elephant and the letter "b" for their last initial. Once you have your drawn sketch (or printed from the internet :), make sure the scale is proportionate to your article of clothing. I used 0-3 months size, so I had to make the appliques tiny! Lay your cut out sketch over your desired fabric, with the heat bond sheet behind it and cut around the edges. Follow directions on the heat bond lite when you iron.

After you have your finished applique, the No-Slip Hoop stitch really helps keep your fabric taut while you stitch around the edges. Have fun!

{here's a close-up... the elephant even has a tail!}

Happy Friday!

Sarah :-)